This 17-acre site in south Denver offered generous space for multiple uses: kitchen food and flower beds, natural prairie, reflecting pool, pond and rain gardens. The property was previously home to a founder of the Denver Botanical Garden, and was thus planted with many rare and beautiful trees.
This landscape design melds contemporary architecture with the pasturelands beyond to create a homestead for modern living.
This terraced rock garden sits on a large property with small areas of intensive use. The clients had imported over 900 tons of rock (some weighing over 13 tons) shipped from Wyoming, so the garden was designed around the setting of these stones.
Having settled in a semi-arid Rocky Mountain location, the client wished to create a haven that would harken back to the farms and gardens of her Michigan childhood.
Geometry and formal elements harmonize with the softness and color of flowers and grasses. Landscaping creates a bridge between lodge-like architecture and the backdrop of the mountains beyond.
This demonstration garden, located 8,000 feet above sea level, was a way for the client to connect and give back to the surrounding agricultural community of Steamboat Springs. The challenge was to design a high-altitude food garden in a harsh climate.
This 77 acre horse estate is an ongoing project. Dakin has worked with the owner to design an organic flower farm growing zinnias, dahlias and other annual flowers that the owner sells at local markets and farm stands.
A site for an exchange program and residency for local and international students. AREA sits on 300 acres in the verdant hills of Kumbo, Nso, in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. AREA is dedicated to supporting a corps of young artists, writers, entrepreneurs and civic leaders.
Avid gardeners, the clients are creating a park-like estate and permacultural paradise with multiple uses.